miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Personal Culture

 Mi natal city Cartagena is also known as a baseball place and me and my family were not a exception. Since  I was a little kid my father took me to the stadium to see baseball games, althought i didnt understand why these men were running when some one throw the ball I was really happy to be there with my father. This is one of the most beautiful memories of my childhood: a sunny sunday, happy people cheering the players and my family. The hearth beating that you feel in this place is awesome! This enviroment has shaped my personal culture, not because I play this game (I wish but unfortunately for my dad, sports are not the best thing I can do) is due to I realize how important is to share with people no matter their economic level, their social or politic ideas or even the God they believe, in a baseball game we all want at the end of the inning our team had scored the most. I guess my social sensibility that makes me dy law was born a sunny afternoon of a baseball game.

Economic Empowerment for Women

I would lend money to the young girl Ericka because I think doing little things step by step is the way to become the dreams into a reality. Not many people can believe that a few candies, ice creams or snacks could change a life but she is getting it posible due to her discipline and her faith in herself. Im sure that she derserves a hand to start her  business. Sometimes we just dont belive in little stuffs but when someone has potential and discipline can make dreams come true.

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013



Is so sad that one of the most traditional culture of our country wich has preserved their traditions against the modernization and the technological changes, have been suffering racial discrimination. In fact, afrocololmbians present high numbers of iliteracy and most of them live in the poorness. What is the goverment doing to avoid it? What can we do as colombians to help our brothers and sisters? Because, rebemember we are all sons and daughers of africans, spanish and indians, and we have to love and respect each other as the family we are.

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

Favorite Carnival Moments!

 I know carnivals of Barranquilla are one of the most important cultural events of the world but this year I prefered to travel to my natal city Cartagena to  share with my family and friends. However, i enjoyed the entire weekend last week in pre carnival, dancing in a comparsa and wearing a costume of monocuco wich is one of the representatives characters of the Carnaval. In this picture you can see how much i enjoyed it! :)

                                                                                                                            At Guacherna night!

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

Tinariwen Video

Tuareg culture video

  • We can see how  quiet are men of this culture, always in contact with the nature and their environment to get spiritual peace.
  • Just seeing the images of the video and understanding the lyrics of the song we can get an idea about this culture and the way they see the life and they have a strong community they have with the environment around them and their fight to  have en equal society in peace.

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

Barranquilla - 2013 Cultural Capital

  •  Barranquilla was chosen the cultural capital 2013 because of the amazing culture this city has, the warm of the people, the carnival, the exotic food and traditions.. all those things make Barranquilla an unique place in earth. Also, the international proyection allow Barranquilla to show itself to the world and share all its culture.
  • However this recognition doesn't mean Barranquilla will receive any economic benefits but all the advertising the city will have in international medias would put Barranquilla in the eyes of the world and the economic development and  tourism will increase, that means  an important economic incomes.

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

Two worlds collide- Homework

An American in Uganda

1. What different points of view do we see in this story? 

First at all we see someone who works hard to get money enought to eat, he is used to work all  day long under the sun because is all he knows and this is the only way to feed himself and his daughter. In the other hand, we see a someone really diferente from the first: he is in better economic position, with different education and culture who doesn't know how difficult is to work hard to get money to eat. This remarcable difference is the point of the story, the difference between ways to see the life from each own experience. I also notice the big economic difference between them, just like this picture on the side.

2. Explain the reasons behind the miscommunication that occurred between these two men.

The principal reason here is the difference between the characters in the story. Each one has a diferente way to see the life from the other and for them is difficult to understand what the other thinks. The different lenguaje and the gestures of each one doesn't allow a good communication, i mean, they have different cultures and  they are use to be in a regular way that can be strange to others, and also they can not talk to communicate what they feel... is a mess!

lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Hi, Im Daniela and this is my blog :)

I'm a Colombian girl who was born in the paradise: Cartagena. I'm studying to be a lawyer because I love sharing with other people and I think I can make a difference in this country. I'm a dreamer who think that tomorrow will be better! I'm the oldest sister so believe me, I'm a bossy.  Eighteen years old. Fifth semester.