miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

Two worlds collide- Homework

An American in Uganda

1. What different points of view do we see in this story? 

First at all we see someone who works hard to get money enought to eat, he is used to work all  day long under the sun because is all he knows and this is the only way to feed himself and his daughter. In the other hand, we see a someone really diferente from the first: he is in better economic position, with different education and culture who doesn't know how difficult is to work hard to get money to eat. This remarcable difference is the point of the story, the difference between ways to see the life from each own experience. I also notice the big economic difference between them, just like this picture on the side.

2. Explain the reasons behind the miscommunication that occurred between these two men.

The principal reason here is the difference between the characters in the story. Each one has a diferente way to see the life from the other and for them is difficult to understand what the other thinks. The different lenguaje and the gestures of each one doesn't allow a good communication, i mean, they have different cultures and  they are use to be in a regular way that can be strange to others, and also they can not talk to communicate what they feel... is a mess!

lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Hi, Im Daniela and this is my blog :)

I'm a Colombian girl who was born in the paradise: Cartagena. I'm studying to be a lawyer because I love sharing with other people and I think I can make a difference in this country. I'm a dreamer who think that tomorrow will be better! I'm the oldest sister so believe me, I'm a bossy.  Eighteen years old. Fifth semester.